Creativity and Critical Thinking
Senior School IB

By HPL Leads, Miss Coote (Junior School Teacher) and Miss Perri (English Teacher)

On Wednesday 5th July, the school hosted an exciting International Baccalaureate (IB) experiential learning day. This unique opportunity allowed our students to delve deeper into the world of IB education while honing their communication, critical thinking, and creative skills through various collaborative activities and projects.

Our Year 9 students gathered in the Conference Room for a special Dragon's Den style Collaborative Project Day. Working together in teams, they embarked on an innovative journey to design a product that had the potential to make the world a better place. Whether it was a ground-breaking concept or an inspiring idea, the focus was on teamwork and cooperation. Following this creative process, the students had the opportunity to present their ideas to the dragons: Miss Perri, Mrs Copp and myself.

The dragons then evaluated each project using a comprehensive marking criterion to determine a worthy winner. This project encouraged the girls to exercise their revolutionary and evolutionary thinking skills, pushing the boundaries of their imagination, while fostering effective collaboration in unfamiliar situations.

It was a pleasure witnessing the students' imaginative ideas take shape as they embraced the challenges and opportunities offered by this experiential learning day. Through these activities, our girls will not only gain a deeper understanding of the IB program but also develop vital skills that will serve them well in their academic and personal lives.

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Creativity and Critical Thinking