By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
On Tuesday 4th July, the much-anticipated Year 6 PYP Exhibition took place. The Primary Years Programme (PYP) Exhibition is an opportunity for the classes to collaborate in small groups to demonstrate all the skills they have developed throughout their time at BGS Junior School. This was the culmination of all our hard work researching and presenting our learning on global issues that we feel passionate about.
Each group produced an exhibit that not only shared information about the issue in the form of written work, statistics, creative art work and digital content, but also provided information about what action people can take to help address the issue. The range of global issues chosen was huge including fashion waste, racism, world hunger, LGBTQ+ rights, gender equality, deforestation and poaching. The exhibits were vibrant, creative and beautifully presented.
In addition to all the prepared work the girls had done, they had to plan and practise what they were going to say to our visitors. The groups had the opportunity to ‘practise’ their presentations skills during the day when the rest of the Junior School came around to visit. In the evening, we welcomed friends and family to see our Exhibition and share our learning.
You can read the pupil reflections from the exhibition here.
View photos from the exhibition here.