Photo - The Association New Friends Friday event 2023
By Mrs Thomas (Chair of The Association)
A wise BGS parent said to me recently; “If I know how much commitment is expected and if it will fit around my life, I’ll be more inclined to take the leap and join the Association.”
I understand her point, we are all busy and the thought of taking on more responsibilities that will rob us of any precious spare time is not so appealing. So, I am following her suggestion and offering some clear information about the Association and how, exactly, people can be involved.
What do we do?
Our main aim is to provide links between BGS staff and parents; always ensuring that we are supporting the girls to get the most from their time at the school. We do this by fundraising and donating funds back into the school, providing equipment and experiences to enhance the girls’ learning. We run events and (hopefully) provide fun and entertainment across the whole school community. Some of the many ways that we have supported the school recently are:
- New cricket nets to the PE Dept
- Circuit Machines to the DT Dept
- Inspirational decals to adorn the walls of the Modern Languages Dept
- Microscopes to the Science Dept
-Dugouts to keep players dry during wet weather outdoor matches to the PE Dept
The events we run range from our ever-popular Christmas Fayre, which we like to try and build on in size and sparkle every year, to our inaugural Ramadan Iftar held in 2022. In the same year, we hosted a family quiz and most recently New Friends Friday in the Junior School. Some of our events are held in conjunction with Bedford School.
We hold second hand uniform sales four times a year, these events are always well attended.
We also raise funds through the sale of items such as Junior School swimming bags.
None of these things would be possible without the help of volunteers, both staff and parents.
Read the full Q&A here.
You can email [email protected] or come along to one of our meetings. Our next meeting is the AGM on Tuesday 3rd October at 7pm. The AGM is where we will vote for the new committee and share a drink and a chat about the forthcoming year.
So, if getting involved has ever crossed your mind, why not give it a try?
I really look forward to seeing you soon. Any questions please just email us!