Young Composers Final
Whole School Music

By Mrs Jones (Music Teacher)

Monday 13th May saw the culmination of the Young Composers Project as eight students from local schools—Biddenham International School, Sharnbrook Academy, Bedford Modern School, Wootton Upper School, Mark Rutherford School, and Rosemary and Mia from our Year 10 GCSE Music class—joined their parents and supporters to hear their music premiered in the Randle Hall.

The Philharmonia Orchestra, founded in 1945, works out of London’s Royal Festival Hall, with Bedford’s Corn Exchange as their second residence for concerts.

In its second year, this composition project, run by Bedford Music Hub in association with the Philharmonia education department, provides a unique opportunity for students from across Bedford to engage with professional musicians and composers who offer invaluable feedback and advice during the composition process. It was wonderful to host this project here at Bedford Girls’ School and to hear the beautiful work of two of our own Year 10 students.

Rosemary commented on how different her piece sounded when played by live instruments instead of the computer programme she used to score it. Her parents were delighted to join the evening and hear the results of her hard work.

After a series of beautiful performances, the young composers received further feedback from the composers in residence, completing a lovely evening of celebration.

Congratulations to all the musicians and young composers who took part, and we look forward to next year's project!

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