Stellar Performances
Senior School Performing Arts

By Mr Stratton (Director of Drama and Dance)

The recent production of The Ash Girl by Timberlake Wertenbaker, performed by our Years 7 and 8 students, was a resounding success. The students’ dedication, hard work and talent shone through in every performance, leaving a lasting impression on all who attended.

The journey from the initial rehearsal to the final curtain call was an incredible experience for everyone involved. The cast and crew embraced the challenge of bringing this complex and emotional story to life with enthusiasm. They explored their characters in depth, effectively conveying the play’s themes of loss, resilience and transformation.

Feedback from parents and audience members has been overwhelmingly positive. Many commented on the professionalism of the performances, the evocative set design and the seamless integration of lighting and sound that transported the audience to the heart of the enchanted forest. The portrayal of the characters, from Ash Girl to the seven deadly sins, was praised for its authenticity and depth.

Our students’ commitment to their roles was evident in every scene, showcasing their growth as actors and their ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level. Their hard work during rehearsals paid off, culminating in a series of performances that were both moving and memorable.

This production has showcased the growing drama program at BGS. Our students’ dedication and creativity, along with support from teachers and staff, have set a high bar for future productions. The success of The Ash Girl reflects the students’ potential and the promising future of drama at the school.

The BGS community, including parents, teachers and friends, has been essential to this achievement. Their support and encouragement have greatly contributed to the success of the production and the growth of the drama program. 

View photos from the production here.

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Stellar Performances