Taster Days
Junior School

By Mrs Ashby (Admissions Manager)

This week we have had the pleasure of hosting potential new pupils into school for our annual Junior School Taster Days. Pupils from a variety of different schools joined us to experience life as a BGS pupil in either Year 3 or Year 5. 

On Tuesday, our Year 3 visitors started their session with story time with Mrs Martin, Head of Year 3. After this they then visited the Junior School library where they went on an exciting and interactive safari, courtesy of Class VR. There were shrieks of excitement as they came face to face with rhinos, elephants and cheetahs, and had kangaroos in the palm of their hands and bats flying around their heads. After their safari they took part in a fun football session with the PE department and then in science learnt about chromatography, making beautiful chromatography butterflies using filter paper, felt tips, water and pipe cleaners. 

The next day, on Wednesday, we had a group of pupils who joined our Year 5, again they enjoyed the interactive safari experience, before joining in with a PE session on the Junior School astro. Throughout the morning they also worked on an IB enquiry task about exploration; this incorporated science, looking at what type of material would keep an explorer warmest in a cold environment; design, thinking about what an explorer would need to wear; and English, writing a list of the things that an explorer would need to take with them on an expedition. This culminated in each group delivering a short presentation to the rest of the class. 

All of the pupils who attended left feeling really excited and positive about the time they’d spent at BGS and we look forward to seeing them again soon! Demand for the sessions was so high we will be running them again in November and look forward to welcoming more potential pupils to BGS.

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Taster Days