By Ms Rogers (LRC Manager)
LGBT+ History Month is an annual celebration held throughout February, providing a dedicated opportunity to recognise the lives and contributions of LGBT+ people throughout history. Each year, the movement selects a focus, with this year’s theme being Activism and Social Change.
BGS is proud to support LGBT+ History Month as part of our ongoing commitment to diversity and inclusion. Assemblies, lessons and displays provide information and resources, enabling students to explore the achievements of key figures from the LGBT+ community.
As part of our month-long celebration, the Learning Resources Centre hosted a poster competition focusing on social activism. We received a wonderful selection of entries and were pleased to feature them in displays across the school. Thank you to everyone who took part.
LGBT+ History Month raises awareness of the LGBT+ community’s history and promotes equality. By reflecting on past struggles and the progress still to be made, we take steps towards a more inclusive society.