House Glee – one of the biggest events on the Bedford Girls’ School calendar – took place in the Assembly Hall yesterday (Thursday 26th November).
Battling for the annual title were three acts from each of the six houses, while each house also performed a song for the House Song accolade.
With the Assembly Hall bubbling with anticipation, Parks got the competition underway, with one of their acts attempting some stunning juggling tricks.
Following singing, piano and Irish Dancing performances from Austen, one of the most anticipated acts, Chanel’s Betsy Banks (Lower Sixth) and her dog Dennis, brought the house down with their tricks up on stage.
Impressive trumpet playing featured in Hepburn’s performances, while singing and dancing proved popular among Nightingale and Franklin.
Mrs Jones, who hosted the event and was supported by Mrs Mason Patel, said: “It was great to see the whole school coming together for the afternoon and really enjoying themselves. It took a lot of courage for the girls to get up on stage and perform before their peers, but they all did themselves proud with brilliant performances.
"Speaking to the girls generally about Glee, they feel that it has grown into something that they all want to be part of and has given them some great memories."
The winners of the House Song, Junior School and Senior School competitions will all be announced in the last assembly of the year on Thursday week (10th December).