By Mrs Gómez, Head of Spanish
The Juvenes Translatores translation contest was launched in 2007 by the European Commission to raise awareness of the importance of learning a language, and the role that translation skills have in this area, in a world that more than ever needs to be 'united in diversity', as the EU's own motto puts it.
This annual competition is open to 17-year-old students across Europe and this year BGS was fortunate enough to be selected to take part.
The competition took place last Thursday (26th November) and our two candidates, Sophie Allen and Rebecca Griffiths, embarked on the process of fully grasping the author's underlying message on this year's topic: European Year for Development.
In two hours they proceeded to translate their Spanish text into English, trying to achieve the same impact as in the original text. We will now have to wait until February to know the winners.