Year 9 are continuing to do some superb work in their fundraising and awareness efforts for Educate Girls, with the amount raised standing at £686.10.
Year 9’s dedicated charity this year, Educate Girls is an organisation working in rural northern India, promoting getting girls back into education.
Thus far the girls have hosted a Red Ribbon day, walked to Sandy and back to replicate the journey girls have to complete every day to get to school in northern India, auctioning gift boxes to parents at the Association Christmas Fayre and some girls have also used their initiative and held cake sales in their own communities.
The Spring Term promises to be as just as busy as they continue to raise money and awareness.
Activities include a Red Ribbon day in the Junior School, a presence at the Evening of Musical Theatre evening and a presentation to the Lunch Club about the charity.
In addition, the girls are also working hard at their weekly Indian Art club in preparation for selling off the items they’re making at an Art auction next term.