Emily Allen (Year 11)
On Monday the up and coming Lower Sixth were welcomed into the Sixth Form with a confidence boosting workshop run by Standing Tall.
By sharing personal experiences and lessons they have learnt through their lives, the Standing Tall organisers Jo and Heddy soon put our apprehensions of what we are to face in the coming years to rest. We were taught that feeling nervous in new situations or feeling under pressure is normal; a response originating in Neanderthal times. By applying specific strategies, the fight, flight and freeze side effects can be kept under control.
The enthusiasm of Jo and Heddy soon rubbed off on us. In the modern day, first impressions are becoming ever more important, the ability to look confident will always serve you well. Personally I found the workshop invaluable and will use the skills I have learnt not only in my few years left at school but throughout my whole life.