Florence Doxford (Year 6)
On Monday 11th December, Randle Hall was filled with festive musical joy as our Years 3 to 6 pupils took to the stage for the Junior School Christmas Concert.
The girls performed many different types of festive music played by the Junior Orchestra, Recorder Club, Woodwind Group, Fife Club, Guitar Club, Junior String Quartet, Junior Rock School and Junior Choir.
The concert also had lots of Christmas spirit and a range of different instruments from harps to drums. The evening was enjoyable for everyone who watched and performed.
Mr Atkins adds: “Many congratulations to all our performers in the Junior School Christmas Concert, who once again concluded the calendar year in festive style with a range of outstanding performances. Particular thanks to teaching, premises, catering and support staff, as well as our dedicated Senior School music students, for mentoring the Junior School girls and helping to put on such an enjoyable evening.”