Kaila Hill and Ella Bowis (Year 6)
On Monday, the Junior School was treated to a performance of the Chinese Lion and Ribbon Dance. All of Year 6 got to try these two dances as we are learning about China this term.
The Lion Dance was very exciting and was really fun. Although the Chinese dancers only had two people in the lion, we had three because the head was quite heavy. The Lion Dance was invented during the Han Dynasty. The leaders of different countries or their representatives would come to the Emperor’s palace and have a huge feast. After the feast, there was a dance with all the animals in China. That year the African representative couldn’t see the lion so he went back to his country brought a lion to China. The Lion Dance represents good luck and fortune.
The Ribbon Dance was also enjoyable and exciting to do and we learnt many moves using our ribbons. The ribbon we used was attached to a fan. It looks quite easy to do but we found it was a harder than it looks!
Everyone enjoyed learning these dances.