Abi Bradbury (Year 9)
On Wednesday (20th June) morning, a group of Year 9 pupils presented a powerful assembly about the life of Anne Frank during the Holocaust. The assembly also tied in with our visit to the Higgins Museum in Bedford (Wednesday 24th January); where we learnt about how the diary of Anne Frank had a positive impact on a group of teenagers who were living in dangerous areas of Los Angeles. After this visit, we were inspired to put more effort into our schoolwork.
During the assembly we expressed how the power of Anne Frank’s words through her diary changed the lives of many people. Specifically, the teenagers in Woodrow Wilson Classical High School. These teenagers were separated by their ethnic groups and stereotypes planted into their minds from their communities and were eventually brought together by the diary of Anne Frank and Erin Gruwell, their teacher.
Anne Frank changed a whole class of young people's lives, without even being alive. She lived on through her words and her story inspired people for much longer than she could have in her lifetime. It is still is inspiring people now and will do for a long time.
When the world is silent, one voice has the power to change the world. How could you use your words to make a difference?
Your words are more powerful than you think.
Saara Bhatti further adds: “Many people know the story of Anne Frank but what they don't realise is that it is still so relevant today. The students at Woodrow Wilson High School were greatly affected by this as they related to her story and depended upon it to get through their hardships. The assembly informed and educated everyone on the power of words and their relevance.”