Mrs McPhail (Geography Teacher)
Once again, the Year 9 visited Castleton in Derbyshire for two days of Geography fieldwork last week (Wednesday 26th – Thursday 27th September). Whilst driving through Sheffield, the girls saw at first hand the way in which the city has been regenerated. The closeness of the Peak District National Park to the buzzing university area is always a surprise for the girls and soon we were witnessing beautiful limestone scenery.
First stop was Ladybower Reservoir, where the girls learnt about the Derwent Valley and the way in which the dam was used to prepare the British in their attack on the German dams in WW2.
Then onward to Castleton, before a long walk around Mam Tor admiring limestone scenery and the beautiful Hope Valley. Learning outside the classroom is increasingly key in enabling the girls to be able to appreciate the themes learned in class. The girls sketched and annotated diagrams and walked through the spectacular Winnat’s Pass before heading to the YHA.
Thursday was another packed day, visiting Treak Cliff Cavern and seeing spectacular stalactites and stalagmites. Girls then visited two sites along Peakshole Water and conducted two river surveys. Everyone enjoyed the chance to experience new skills, make new friends and bring back plenty of information to use for the two assessments.
Eloise Taylor, said: “I thought it was a great learning opportunity that helped me with my Geography understanding.”
For Avani Tambe, the trip was both educational and entertaining, she said: “I very much enjoyed standing in the river and measuring the speed of the river with dog biscuits. We learnt so much about the landscape of Castleton and it was also so much fun! This trip was educational and entertaining overall and I loved the fudge that I bought from the shops”
Emily Lawson enjoyed investigating caves, she said: “I loved walking through the caves where we saw beautiful stalactites and stalagmites! I also enjoyed looking at the lovely landscapes as we were walking up the hills. The youth hostel that we stayed at was very nice and it was so much fun to share a room with my friends! I loved the Castleton trip”