Austen emerged victorious from the highly anticipated annual House Drama competition on Monday. This year’s theme focused on the importance of healthy eating and the ecology of food production.
With the usual high standard of performances on display in a packed Assembly Hall, attending parents and pupils were treated to humorous performances.
Ranging from Chanel’s Fat of the Land to Nightingale’s The Lament of the Green Bean, the Year 7 and Lower Sixth girls worked brilliantly together to put on a series of performances after just a handful of rehearsals. There of course had to be a winner and that was Austen with their performance of Feed Me.
Mr Hill (Deputy Head) who was part of the judging panel, said: “All six houses did a fantastic job and all stood out with their performances. The girls worked incredibly hard, especially the Lower Sixth who had to direct the performances.
“We were judging on interpretation of script, teamwork, support and choreography and general outstanding performances. Austen stood out the most for us.”