Chanel Power to Victory
Senior School

Mrs Morgan (Senior School Eco Co-ordinator)

In the recent House battery recycling competition, Chanel triumphed, amassing a fantastic 259kg worth of batteries, followed in second place by Hepburn with a commendable 213.5kg.

Pupils rose to the challenge by rallying support from family, friends, neighbours and local businesses asking them to save their used batteries and distributing collection boxes. Sophia Tamiem (Year 4) deserves a special mention for gathering 158kg alone – a superb effort!

Overall, an impressive 600kg of batteries was collected across the six Houses. The competition has raised awareness of the amount of waste we generate and has encouraged everyone to recycle. The total weight of batteries by each House will now be converted into ‘eco’ house points – a new house point category devised by last year’s Eco Council Representatives. This is aimed at rewarding environmentally friendly activities undertaken by members of the school community.

The batteries will be transported to a specialist organisation, who will sort and shred them to recover the metal, plastics and other materials for re-use. For more information on recycling, please visit

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Chanel Power to Victory