Festival of Lights
Junior School

Mrs Thomas (Year 5 Teacher)

On Monday morning, the Junior School experienced a Diwali themed celebration assembly. Known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali is one of the most significant festivals in Indian culture. Diwali sees millions attend firework displays, prayers and celebratory events across the world every autumn.

The festival is celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains for a variety of reasons, although the main theme which runs throughout is the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil.

During the assembly, sisters, Zara (Year 6) and Meira Gulati (Year 3) and Sahitya Sritharan (Year 6) shared their beautifully choreographed Diwali dances. All dancers showed real passion, skill and confidence.

The girls learnt about the reasons why Diwali is celebrated across the globe and listened to some girls explain how they celebrated with their families. What a treat!

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Festival of Lights