The ThinkTank Museum
Junior School

Phoebe Demuth and Evelyn Piper (Year 6)

On Tuesday, Year 6 went on a school trip to the ThinkTank Museum in Birmingham to discover more about the world around us. Its history, its future and the present day.

There were many galleries such as the We made it, the Futures and Things about me. We found out that you can pulley yourself upwards on a chair, and then let go to fall to the floor, which triggers a windmill, how hard it is to go over bumpy surfaces in a wheel chair and how easy it is to get tired when you do exercise. It was an amazing experience and we learned so much from it.

There were plenty of exhibits to try, and mechanisms that you could watch as they went round and round and round. We think the science garden was the best bit as it included duck races, balancing balls on water and a giant hamster wheel.

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The ThinkTank Museum