Primary Mathematics Challenge
Junior School

Mrs Copp (Deputy Head of Junior School, Maths Coordinator)

Our Year 6 budding Mathematicians took part in the Primary Mathematics Challenge on Monday.

The initiative encourages enthusiasm, boosts confidence in Mathematics and shows the different way questions can be asked. It challenges both problem solving and reasoning skills. Girls are also encouraged to think outside of the box. Most importantly, the Primary Mathematics Challenge is fun and every pupil that participates is rewarded.

Huge congratulations to the 67 girls that took part, all the participants gave their best. This year, 8 girls achieved Gold, 15 achieved Silver and 19 achieved Bronze. Mr Palmer (Head of Mathematics, Senior School) presented the certificates to all the girls and congratulated everyone that took part.

Mr Palmer adds: "It’s fantastic to see increasing numbers of our girls developing the self - confidence to solve Mathematics”.

View photos of the Mathematicians receiving their certificates here.

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Primary Mathematics Challenge