Whole School Association

Last Friday night, The Association welcomed parents and friends of the school to a delicious Wine Tasting event.

Just over forty guests enjoyed a wonderful mix of Fine Wines for Christmas, selected in conjunction with the Wine Society by the very knowledgeable and entertaining John Wilkins, and parent of BGS alumane, who describes himself as 'an enthusiastic amateur'. John led us through fizz, whites, reds and a port, which were accompanied all the way along by a mouth-watering selection of cheeses.  It was a truly delicious evening with many commenting on the surprisingly low prices for such interesting wines.

The Association would like to thank all staff and parents who supported the evening and look forward to seeing many of you at our next event, the Christmas Fayre, which will take place on Saturday 1st December, 2pm to 4.30pm at Bedford Girls’ School.

For more details about the Christmas Fayre, click here.

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