SoupFest 2018
Whole School

Despite the deluge, BGS volunteers were out in force on Tuesday brimming with enthusiasm, and helping with the annual SoupFest event in Harpur Square.

BGS provided two delicious soups for the event. The first was a creamy leek and potato soup, which had been prepared by Year 10 Food and Nutrition students (overseen by Mrs Lovett and Mrs Caffrey). The soup included leeks from the BGS garden, which had been lovingly grown by the Eco Club. The second soup was created by our talented brigade, Green’s, who prepared a carrot, orange and coriander option.

Members of the Bel Canto choir were also performing, bringing seasonal cheer to soup consumers and shoppers alike with their carol singing.

SoupFest, organised by BGS parent and Bedfordshire businesswoman, Emma Garrett, was once again a great success. The event is part of Homelessness Awareness Week, an annual programme where people collaborate across the country to draw attention to the problems of hunger and homelessness.

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SoupFest 2018