Year 8 Learn to Earn
Senior School Careers

Poppy Phillips (Year 8)

On Wednesday, Year 8 participated in Learn to Earn Day organised by the Young Enterprise. The day was incredibly eye opening and definitely a huge reality check for everyone, as none of us had realised how expensive it is to live. We all calculated our dream lives (mine costing £600,000 a year!) and then compared it to how much we would be able to afford when we first start our Dream Jobs.

In a realistic world, I’d have £16,000 to spend so I had to cut my budget quite a lot, taking out luxuries such as exotic holidays. We learnt many skills, including: how to make our dreams SMART, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound; how to perform in an interview and how to be a STAR employee.

As a whole, we took in some valuable lessons, which we will take forward in the future as we progress into the world of work.

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Year 8 Learn to Earn