Creative Writing with Dr Tim Jarvis
Senior School English

Ishani Patel (Year 9)

On Friday 7th December, Years 9-Upper Sixth students were given an excellent opportunity to attend a creative writing workshop with guest speaker Dr Tim Jarvis.

Dr Jarvis is a lecturer at The University of Bedfordshire and has a masters and PhD in Creative Writing. As a fiction writer and critic, his research interests include gothic, experimental and innovative fiction, contemporary fiction and creative writing pedagogy.

The topic of our workshop was Flash Fiction - short stories of a maximum of 1000 words. Dr Jarvis introduced us to innovative techniques and we studied the construction of the words on the page.

We were introduced to a short story, which we discussed before having a go at writing our own flash fictions. From our discussions, I learnt that the structure of a story can make it seem mysterious to the reader and make them question what exactly is going on in the short passages, leaving the rest of the story to their imagination.

Overall, as a keen writer, I thoroughly enjoyed this workshop and I am looking forward to using these new techniques in my writing.

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Creative Writing with Dr Tim Jarvis