Beyond the Great Wall
Junior School

Mrs Childs (Head of Year 6)

As part of the stunning start for the Unit of Enquiry, Beyond the Great Wall, Year 6 enjoyed a creative Chinese Arts Workshop on Tuesday 8th January.

The four classes made beautiful traditional Chinese paper cuts, lanterns, slat books and shadow puppets. Beyond the Great Wall links to the central idea that traditions and artefacts provide a window into the beliefs and values of cultures.

The girls researched the use of Chinese calligraphy characters used in slat books. The slat book was the first kind of Chinese book made from slats of wood or bamboo, tied together with cord. This type of book is the reason that traditional Chinese writing is done from top to bottom, rather than from left to right like Western writing. The writing these days can be vertical or horizontal.

The girls also used their creative skills learning Jian Zhi, the art of paper cutting.

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Beyond the Great Wall