Campaign Challenge
Sixth Form Charity

Miss Dawson (Biology Teacher, CAS & Service Coordinator)

As part of the launch of the Lower Sixth charity project, the Campaign Challenge, we welcomed alumna Sarah Rastrick (née Murnal, DAHS 1992) to speak to the year group about what makes a good campaign. 

Sarah is currently Communications Lead at Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust – the charity for Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. She has worked on numerous campaigns in marketing and communications in the health charity sector for many years, with a focus on digital and PR.  Sarah had lots of valuable information and inspiration for the students to use in planning their own campaigns.

Following on from the Giving Forward project in Year 10, the Campaign Challenge continues to develop the skills of collaboration, research and advocacy. The girls will work in small groups to choose a social issue and then design a campaign to educate the BGS community about this issue, using all of their imagination and creativity to make it eye-catching and unique. The campaigns will launch in the second half of this term, following a period of planning and research.

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Campaign Challenge