Emily Armitage, Sophie Forbes-Laird and Erin Rowe (Year 9)
On Thursday, Year 9 visited the Cecil Higgins Museum, to talk to some very special people as part of the Anne Frank Holocaust Memorial Day.
We started by thinking about Paddington Bear who was sent to England for safety by his parents. We then began to consider about how terrifying it must have been to be sent to another country without your parents and not knowing anyone.
We found it really moving to watch the premier of a film about the hidden, secret life of Anne Frank. The film uncovered footage of her life before the war and when she was sent to a concentration camp; the film was so shocking and unlike anything we had seen before. We then spoke to a Polish refugee, who shared her experiences of escaping the conflict during the Second World War. We also heard from some historians who had connections with the Polish Community in Bedford and it was amazing to hear their stories; it was a real eye-opener.
We were inspired by Lynne from Friends of Refugees and the work she and others had done, and to hear about Talking in the Kitchen, a wonderful event set up in Bedford, celebrating culture and home.
The most poignant part of the trip was when we learnt about the conflict that is still going on in other countries to this day, and how children our age and even younger are having to leave their home and family, travelling to a new country. It gave a real inside into the life of others who are not as fortunate as we are. We are so grateful for the opportunity to learn about the lives of others. Our trip was enlightening, with aspects from past, present and future.
Mrs Hoar, Challenge and Extend Co-ordinator said: “The girls embraced every aspect of this wonderful, enlightening opportunity. It was a privilege to observe the girls engage with some particularly challenging concepts, especially the stories of those who risk their lives today, in order to escape conflict. As a group, we are keen to share our experience with our Year 9 peers and out into the wider community, so watch this space!”