Mr Castro (Head of Swimming)
Over the past few weeks, 19 girls from the Junior and Senior Schools have competed in their County Swimming Championships.
The girls have competed at the championships for their own swimming clubs representing 8 clubs across 4 different counties; Biggleswade Swimming Club, Modernians, Flitwick Dolphins, Hitchin SC, Newport Pagnell SC, Leighton Buzzard SC, Linslade Crusaders and St Ives SC. Between them they qualified for 83 events managed to make over 65 finals and resulting in over 45 podium medals. There was a huge amount of personal best times. Some notable performances were:
Isabel Wainwright was senior country champion in the 50 freestyle a new county record time on 27.47 Nwando Ifeacho was awarded the top swim for her performance in the 50 freestyle in a time on 30.34 for the 11 years’ age group. Lulu Donaghy was also awarded U15 Junior cup in the 100fc and overall top FINA point girl U14.
Well done to all the following swimmers:
Helena Nicolaides, Isabel Wainwright, Bronwyn Tagg, Eloise Bailey, Lulu Donaghy, Jasmine Brakenbury, Rebecca Knibb, Georgia Spencer, Arabella Ward, Florence Doxford, Lucy Young, Isabel Jones, Aimee King, Nwando Ifeacho, Millie Carroll, Eleni Zorn, Molly Rea, Autumn Handscombe and Isabel Jackson.