Performing Arts with Bedford Prep School
Junior School Performing Arts

Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)

Tuesday morning proved to be exciting and fun-filled, as the Year 4 girls welcomed the boys from Bedford Prep School to share in a Performing Arts morning.

In their mixed groups, the children experienced dance, drama and poetry with a magical theme. After some nervous giggles, the girls and boys combined purposefully in small working groups to create Haiku poems based on Harry Potter characters, magical movements to wizarding music, and dragons and mystical creatures filled the library with imaginative combinations of poses.

The aim of the event is always to encourage both boys and girls to enjoy working together, build on their communication skills and develop the ability to adapt to new situations and tasks. It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces throughout the morning.

View a gallery of photos here.

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Performing Arts with Bedford Prep School