Mrs Thomas (Year 5 Teacher)
On Wednesday, Year 5 were delighted to welcome Dame Alice Harpur School (DAHS) alumna, Ellie Gill, for an engaging yoga and meditation workshop. The purpose of the workshop was to stimulate pupils' powers of imagination, maintain their natural flexibility and teach them to breathe correctly. Some of the overall benefits to them are improved concentration levels, better sleep patterns, and greater self- esteem.
Always fond of animals, Ellie left DAHS in 2012 before going on study to be a veterinary nurse. Due to the nature of the work, bad backs are a common ailment of people in this profession and Ellie suffered this also. Finding yoga was a good way to alleviate the symptoms, Ellie trained as a yoga teacher alongside her work.
During the workshop, Ellie introduced a range of breathing techniques and strategies to calm and still their minds and bodies. In addition, she demonstrated and talked the girls through a range of yoga postures including: mountain pose; Lion pose; tree pose; child’s pose and downward dog.
During the workshop, the meditation and yoga techniques linked with the following positive affirmations - I am strong, I am brave, I am amazing. Ellie also explained the philosophy of yoga and how we can apply the morals and principles, such as kindness towards ourselves and compassion towards others, in our day to day lives.
The girls responded positively and openly and were left with a sense of calmness, strength and positivity.