Building life-long memories
Junior School Trips and Excursions

On Wednesday 22nd May, Year 3 departed on a three-day residential adventure to Brancaster-Staithe, Norfolk. The girls resided at Dial House, a National Trust activity centre located in the heart of the north Norfolk coast, within an area of outstanding natural beauty, known for its wealth of wildlife, beaches and golden sands.

The girls enjoyed a wide range of activities including rafting, coastal safari, beach games and seal watching. These activities increased their self-confidence, encouraged independence and developed team building, whilst creating life-long memories with their peers.

Mrs Martin, (Head of Year 3) said: “It has been wonderful to see the girls' learner attributes coming into action as they supported each other, took greater risks and solved problems. The girls had a fantastic time, making the most of every minute of the trip. We are really proud of them all.”


Brancaster, Year 3, Junior School

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Building life-long memories