Stand Up To Bullying Day
Whole School

Mrs Lang (Drama Teacher and Head of PSHE)

This week, the BGS Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been promoting and raising awareness of the Stand up to Bullying Day (Thursday 13th June) initiative.

The national initiative was launched in 2016 with the support of HRH The Duke of Cambridge. The day seeks to bring the nation together to take a collective stand against all forms of bullying, whether in school, the workplace or elsewhere.   

The BGS Anti-Bullying Ambassadors have been raising awareness of Stand Up To Bullying Day, by asking the school community to think about what they can do to raise awareness of what bullying is, understand how and why it occurs, and know what to do about it, if they see it.

On Thursday, pupils and staff made pledges, which were displayed around the school, encouraging everyone to ensure our school is a kind and happy place, where everyone is accepted, and bullying is not tolerated. The whole of Years 7 and 8 students also worked together with the Anti-Bullying Ambassadors to form giant letters spelling out their commitment to NO BULLYING!

Jasmin Chambers (Lower Sixth), who is the student Leader Anti-Bullying Ambassador at BGS said: “We hope by carrying out these events over the week that girls are intolerant to bullying by standing up for those who are scared to stand up for themselves.”

Stand Up to Bullying, Senior School

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