Harriet Whitbread, Ifra Mhatay and Ridah Mumtaz (Year 7)
On Tuesday, the Year 7 girls experienced an educational yet fun day. They encountered the Elizabethan way of living and accomplished many Shakespearean tasks. This fantastic programme included teachers dressing up in Elizabethan style clothing and even speaking in ‘Old English!’.
There was an astonishing falconry display, showing many beautiful birds. The girls also had an Elizabethan banquet, to get the feel of what Shakespeare’s time was really like. The girls performed a version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, which they had rehearsed during their English lessons.
The play was an exceptional success; the girls worked on this one-hour performance in two weeks. Here is what one of the audience members had to say about it: “I thought it was amazing, it was incredible how the girls learnt all the lines in only two weeks.”
As we interviewed the cast of A Midsummers' Night Dream, we were told how the play was organised and how they executed it. Ifra Mhatay said: “The play was split into five scenes. The scenes were distributed to each of the five Year 7. This way it was easier as we were all able to focus on perfecting our part of the play, instead of worrying about completing the whole play. This tactic worked extremely well and is what drove us to the success of the play”