Bedford Girls' School is celebrating the success of its Upper Sixth examination results with over 45% of all entries (A Level and International Baccalaureate Diploma combined) achieving A*-A grades. Over one third of the A Level cohort gained three A*-As or more.
Particularly impressive results were seen in what are viewed as some of the most challenging subject areas, with 56% of A Level Mathematics entries achieving A*-A, and over 50% of A Level entries across Modern Foreign Languages (French, Spanish and German) achieving A*- A.
Students are now taking up their places at a wide range of leading universities, where they are studying rich and diverse mix of courses including Medicine, Dentistry, Natural Sciences, Zoology, Physics and Philosophy, Speech and Language Therapy, Modern Foreign Languages, International Relations, Politics and Philosophy, English Literature, Broadcast Journalism, Songwriting, Fine Art, Product Design, Business and American Studies.
Students are also exploring alternative routes into the working world with a number of girls choosing to take up exciting apprenticeship programmes, including roles in the Motor Sports and Fashion industries.
Miss Jo MacKenzie, Headmistress of Bedford Girls' School, commented: "Our Sixth Form students have once again achieved excellent results in extremely challenging examinations. They have persevered and worked hard, but a BGS education is not solely focused on examination results, for me, what is more impressive is seeing how our students have developed into confident, forward thinking young women with a depth of intellect and understanding which will enable them to flourish in whichever direction life takes them. I am exceptionally proud of all of their achievements and I wish them every success for the future."