Castro Claims Silver at Worlds
Whole School Sport

Flora Charatan (Graduate Intern)

Following his double gold success in Australia last year, BGS Head Swimming coach Edward Castro returned to the World Triathlon Championships in Switzerland to take second place in the 30-34 Olympic distance category.

Mr Castro finished with a time of 02:03:10, completing the fastest swim of the age category and the second fastest bike. Placing an incredible 5th overall amongst all age groups.

Mr Castro reflected on his performance, he said: “The standard seems to go up every year, which makes trying to retain titles harder and harder. Lausanne is a beautiful place, the crystal clear water and Alps in the background made for a spectacular race venue. The lake on race day was 23C, which meant it was a non wetsuit swim. I then managed to have a good bike split, which was only one second slower than the eventual winner. The run leg has always been my weak spot, this time round it was a real struggle. I will now spend the winter months working hard on my running and see if I get the top spot next year in Edmonton, Canada in the summer.” 

BGS is privileged to have such an inspiring athlete in our community. Keep up to date with Mr Castro's results here and look out for his next qualifying event in 2020.

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Castro Claims Silver at Worlds