Exam Success Across The Board
Whole School

Flora Charatan (Graduate Intern)

At a time where national A-level results dropped to the lowest in a decade, Bedford Girls’ School has defied the trend.

Over 45% of all A Level and International Baccalaureate results achieved A*-A (or equivalent) grades, with over a third of A Level students gaining at least 3 A*-A.

Of the IB cohort, one third achieved a score of 39 or above (the international average is 29.95) and 93% of all papers were awarded at 7-5 (A*-B A Level equivalent).

GCSE results were also outstanding, with 70% of all entries achieving grades 9-7 (A*-A) and one third of the year group receiving an impressive set of ten grades at 9-7 (A*-A). The pass rate remained high at 96% across all subject grades (9-4).

The school values all of the diverse journeys that girls choose to take with their qualifications. The rich and varied mix of further study courses is testament to this: Medicine, Dentistry, Natural Sciences, Zoology, Physics and Philosophy, Speech and Language Therapy, International Relations, Songwriting, Broadcast Journalism, Fine Art and Product Design are among some of the degrees to be taken at a range of leading universities.

Students are also exploring alternative routes into the working world, and a number of girls will take up exciting apprenticeships in industries that range from Motor Sports to Fashion.

Congratulations to all of our girls!

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Exam Success Across The Board