Square Holes
Sixth Form Mathematics

Dulcie Pearson (Upper Sixth)

On Tuesday, the Sixth Form Maths Sigma Society came together for an interesting talk called Square Holes given by former Bedford School mathematician, Mr Coggins. It was fascinating to see how square holes are made and it was a very compelling experience. We all enjoyed the talk, as it was great to go through aspects of Mathematics out of the curriculum.

The talk started off by coming up with ideas on how to form square holes. This was followed by constructing a special type of triangle, called Reuleaux Triangles, of which are known for having a constant diameter. We also learnt that 50p and 20p coins are Reuleaux Polygons as they also have a constant diameter at each point on the coin. The members of the Maths Sigma Society were hugely interested by the talk and look forward to meeting next term to share another opportunity to discuss mathematics!

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Square Holes