Oxbridge Mock Interviews
Sixth Form Careers

On Wednesday evening, BGS had the great pleasure in welcoming students from nine local schools for an evening of Oxbridge mock interviews.

Demonstrating teachability, academic potential and intellectual curiosity are crucial to performing well during the interview process. Our mock interview preparation evening helps and guides students understand what the interviewer expects and how to perform best at this final hurdle.

Mrs Everitt (Oxbridge Co-ordinator) said: “There was a palpable 'buzz' in the school, with staff and students able to get to know new people and chat about the interests they have in their subjects. We wish all students well, and trust that the opportunities provided at the event will set them in good stead for actual university interviews to come.

“Particular thanks to all who volunteered their time and expertise to interview - including staff from all of these schools, parents, outside helpers and sixth form representatives, and to those who supported the event in other ways.”

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Oxbridge Mock Interviews