Tor Caldwell pictured on the right.
On Monday, we welcomed Tor Caldwell (2015) back in to BGS where she enjoyed a tour of the latest developments as well as immersing herself back in to school life for the afternoon.
Tor graduated from King’s College London this summer after reading English Language. During the afternoon, she spent time talking to a group of Sixth Form English Language students about the versatility of such a course when thinking about future employment. Tor is currently working for a specialist sports, ski and educational travel agency, where she is mainly managing sports tours. She is really enjoying the combination of work, overseas travel and sport that the role entails.
Accompanying Miss Higginson (PE teacher), she also helped coach a Year 8 hockey lesson. A talented sportswoman herself she demonstrated some of her own skills in this particular sport.
Before departing for the afternoon, Tor leant a hand in Food and Nutrition Department, helping blend soup for SoupFest19.
As always it is a pleasure, welcoming former students back in to school and hearing their news.