Mrs Allen (Careers Administrator)
On Friday, 29 November, our first practice ‘Mini Mock Interviews’ (MMIs) were held for students from BGS and other schools, who are applying for Medicine, Veterinary and Dentistry courses. MMIs are multi-station interview sessions that some universities use as part of their application process. Students are required to move around the stations with quick fire questioning. Time limited, the students must think on their feet, react to the questioning style and question type. Questions are designed to test non-academic traits such as communication skills, understanding, empathy and problem-solving skills.
The session saw us joined by members of the wider school community, who all generously gave their time as interviewers. With set questions, each station looked to push the girls and encourage them to address the skills needed to meet the demands of university selection and their future careers. The event was judged by all to have been a success and highlighted to the students the areas they need to focus on, but also the skills and knowledge that they have already developed.
This will be an annual event and we hope to welcome many more alumnae, parents and friends of the school to future events.
Haleemah (Biddenham International School) said: “I found that Friday was a really useful and unique experience. It has provided me with a helpful insight into what the interviews will be like and has taught me how to better cope with the pressure. My confidence has been built and I have developed a better understanding into the kind of questions I will be asked. I have never had an opportunity like this before and so I am incredibly grateful that I was invited to participate. Thank you.”
Elika Vesali (Upper Sixth, BGS) added: “I am glad that I was able to partake in the MMI circuit, as I found it was very helpful. You are asked questions from people you are unfamiliar with, which allowed me to gain a sense of what the actual interview will be like. But also this style of interview feels very different to that of being asked questions by one person. Therefore, this opportunity has allowed me to gain a sense of familiarity when I go into my actual MMIs.”