Mathematicians make it count…
Senior School Mathematics

Mr Jeffryes (Mathematics teacher)

Pictured: Anna Hull, Holly Smith and Prache Agrawal (Lower Sixth)

BGS once again produced brilliant results in the recent Senior Mathematical Challenge (SMC), which is run but the UK Mathematics Trust and supported by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. It is aimed at those in Sixth Form and is sat in school.

Thousands of pupils across the UK sat the SMC with the top 10% receiving a gold, next 20% receiving silver and next 30% bronze.

In the Upper Sixth, Erin Knight received silver, Best in Year and Best in School certificates.  In the Lower Sixth, Holly Smith received a silver, Best in Year and Best in School certificates. Milly David, Anna Hull, Prache Agrawal and Neve Parsons also received silver certificates, with a further 12 receiving bronze.

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Mathematicians make it count…