The #BGSCommunity has rallied together to help and support local communities and the NHS with many inspirational initiatives. Our Design and Technology department have been busy producing much needed PPE for local GP’s, health care workers and Bedford Hospital. Our Science Technicians came in during the Easter holidays to pack up all our eye protective glasses and sent them to be used in local health practices.
Using their design and manufacturing knowledge, Mrs Redfern (Head of DT), Mrs Wilkins (DT teacher), Mrs Woods (DT teacher) and Mr Castro (Head of Swimming) have so far produced and assemble just under 900 visors so far. The frames are laser cut using polypropylene and the replaceable visor is an acetate sheet. A big thank you to Councillor Doug McMurdo from Bedford Council, who has kindly provided the materials. We would be grateful if the #BGSCommunity can donate any more of these materials to the school, please contact Mrs Redfern at [email protected].
Many of you have seen the incredible national heroic campaign of Captain Tom Moore, (Grandfather of Georgia Ingram Moore in Year 6), who set himself the task to complete 100 laps of his garden before his 100th birthday by the end of the month, and indeed, he completed it in style. We are so proud to support the whole family with this campaign, which has raised just over £28million!
We were also touched to see Mr Atkins (Music teacher) and his family reached out to the talented music community to put together a virtual choir and orchestra. The beautiful piece ‘He'll Soon Come to Call me - Music in Time of Coronavirus (Anthem for Mary and David)’ is a moving tribute to Mr Atkins late grandparents and was due to be performed at his late grandfather’s funeral, a funeral that could not take place due to the current restrictions. The lyrics were rewritten by Anne Atkins, and Mr Atkins, her son, arranged the musical accompaniment. The video which was edited by Mr Atkins during Easter gained coverage on BBC Look East and Radio 4, you can watch and hear the moving video here.
Mollie Sawford (Lower Sixth) is fundraising for Cancer Research UK. She is planning to donate all of her hair to the Little Princess Trust in October. With many charities now struggling due to the current crisis, it would great to support this. Please donate here.
We would love to hear your amazing stories of how you are helping the local community, please get in touch at [email protected] so we can share with our community.