We’re so proud of the work the inspirational #BGSCommunity continue to carry out to support their local communities, charities, the NHS, Key Workers and vulnerable. We can’t thank you enough. Here are some of the fantastic initiatives the community are supporting:
Shannon-Rose Scanlon (Year 9) alongside her mum, Mrs Scanlon, have been collating and delivering pamper bags to doctors and nurses at the Milton Keynes and Luton and Dunstable hospitals. Mrs Scanlon was inspired after a colleague at work described how tired his wife was after a busy shift as an intensive care nurse.
Staff at Mrs Scanlon’s company rallied together to sew the bags, which contained donated products such as beauty essentials, razors and toothbrushes, as well as discount vouchers from local businesses. The bags also included essential items such as hand sanitiser, moisturiser and spare gloves. Watch this space to find out how BGS will support this great initiative in Bedford. Mrs Scanlon also spoke to the BBC News about their campaign. Read more here.
Grace Randall (Year 4) has been creating a wonderful newsletter each week to give to local elderly residents in her village during lockdown. The newsletter, which was entirely her idea, is filled with uplifting messages and all the latest news from the village. Grace has enlisted friends in the village to contribute articles every week. We are super proud of Grace for spreading positive messages to her local community. She is certainly a talented, future content creator! View a photo of the newsletter here.
Our incredible #BGSCommunity have participated in numerous 2.6 Challenges. The initiative helps charities that have had reduced services due to Covid-19, and many have seen a large drop in vital donations. Last weekend, Kaia Laidlaw Hansen (Year 7) and her younger sister Evie, organised and took part in the 2.6 Challenge. They stayed in their playhouse for 26 hours in order to raise funds for Lucy Air Ambulance for Children. So far, they have raised £1271, which is just outstanding! Read more here.
Both Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3) and Harriet Whitbread (Year 8) have been raising awareness and funds for Sarcoma UK to support Mrs Whitbread (Harriet’s Mum) who is currently undergoing treatment for Sarcoma.
Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3) was due to run the London Marathon on Sunday 28th April. However, the event was cancelled due to the current circumstances. To honour her sponsorship, Mrs Martin and five of her running group ran the 26.2 miles from their own homes. Harriet also supported Sarcoma UK by taking part in the 2.6 Challenge. She recruited friends and family to help her to run a marathon. Each person ran (or walked) to cover the 26.2 miles. Harriet raised £260 for the charity.
Dame Alice Harpur School alumna, Lauren Carpenter (2014), is taking part in the 2.6 challenge, raising funds by drawing 26 dogs (or other pets) for Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. She is currently a dog trainer for Hearing Dogs, and has taken on this challenge to try and compensate for cancelled fundraising opportunities for the charity. Find out more here.
We would love to hear your amazing stories of how you are helping the local community, please get in touch at [email protected] so we can share with our community and support your causes.