Miss Dawson (Biology Teacher and CAS & Service Coordinator)
Despite the lockdown situation, the newly formed Service Team, headed up by Shreya Arun (Service Captain), have been hard at work researching Bedford based charities that they would like to be selected to be our new school charity over the next academic year.
Information about the short-listed charities - Carers in Bedfordshire, BOLD and Bedford Open Door – was sent out to allow the BGS Community to vote for the charity they most wanted to support. We are now proud to announce that the 2020-2021 school charity will be Bedford Open Door.
Bedford Open Door provide free and confidential counselling to young people aged 13-25, delivered by a team of fully trained, experienced and friendly volunteer counsellors. The counsellors give people the time to explore their feelings so that they can be helped to find a way of working through their difficulties and the charity aim to support young people to work towards living in a happier way and to help them find their strengths.
For more information about the charity click here. We look forward to working with them to help them continue to offer this valuable service.