It was all smiles on Monday morning, as we finally welcomed back all the Junior School students before the end of the Summer Term. It has been uplifting to see so many students reconnect with their friends in a safe learning environment. Having already welcomed back Year 6 on 1st June and Year 3 last week, the school has adapted its facilities to accommodate social distancing measures.
From individual learning bubbles, where every student has their own desk and area, to designated outdoor areas for selected year groups, the Junior School is making the most of the space available.
Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4) reflected: “It was so wonderful to see all of Year 4 return to school, with so many beaming smiles. The girls have adapted amazingly well to the new routines and have devised new games to play whilst maintaining social distance. The girls have shown such a positive attitude and a love of being together again!”
Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5) added: “We have enjoyed welcoming the girls back to school and have been so impressed with how they have adapted to another new way of learning. It is wonderful to be able to share the last few weeks of term and finish their year of school together. We are so proud of them all.”
Here are some reflection quotes from the students:
“I enjoyed seeing all my friends again”
“I enjoyed seeing everyone’s faces after lockdown
“I love seeing my teachers!”
“It’s lovely to see the gardens again and to be able to play together.”
“It’s so much easier to ask questions when you’re with people again.”
“I wasn’t looking forward to coming back but now I’m here I don’t want to go back home!”