Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
The Junior School girls are all taking part in co-curricular clubs within their classes; the themes of the clubs often being decided collaboratively between the girls and the teachers. In Year 6, there are two art clubs, an origami and a mindfulness maths club, all of which give the girls the chance to try something a little bit different.
In 6I, the girls decided to run a Big Art Club, as they wanted to try to produce some large collaborative art in a socially distanced way. They felt this was really important as doing something together as a class group is often hard at the moment. Having given themselves this challenge, they had to come up with an innovative way to all work separately but together on the same piece of art!
The solution was to draw a huge 2m x 1.5m design on card and then cut it up into 20 pieces. This allowed the creative artists to complete their our own pieces separately, before taping it all back together to form the final collaborative piece of art. We think the final result was very effective! View the piece of art here.
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