As we continue to adjust to the new routines, our Headmistress, Mrs Gibson, answers questions from our community; this week we look ahead to the half term holiday.
We are hoping to go away during the half term holiday, can my daughter study from home for the first week of term when we return if we need to quarantine?
I know it is important that we all have a rest and a break, but I ask that you really carefully consider the implications of going overseas at the moment. We expect all students to be back in school on Monday 2nd November and we will view any student who is absent as a result of quarantining as an unauthorised absence. As we are all aware travel advice can change at any moment, so please do study guidance before you travel. This article from the BBC may be useful, click here.
What happens if my daughter tests positive over the half term?
I really hope your daughter does not get ill, but if she does please do contact us on our dedicated email address [email protected] or phone the school office. It is extremely important that we know if a student tests positive as it could, depending on the date of the on-set of symptoms, have an impact on other students in the School.
We also need to be aware of students who will be self-isolating in the first week of the new half term, so that we can ensure they can access their work remotely.
What if the UK goes into a mini-lockdown and the half-term holiday is extended?
It is very difficult to predict what might happen and therefore we are fully prepared for a wide range of eventualities. The Government has been very clear that their aim is to keep schools open; however, if there is a mini-lockdown which extends beyond the end of our normal half term holiday (Friday 30th October) we would revert to online learning for the length of time that school would need to be closed.
Will you send Junior School iPads home at half term in case this happens?
As part of our contingency planning for different eventualities, we have developed a system where parents would be asked to drive-by and pick up individually wrapped iPads from the Junior School. We hope that we do not need to put this into action and the Government has stated that they will do all that they can to keep schools open.
Will you be offering Key Worker Club over half term?
No, unfortunately we are not able to offer Key Worker Club over half term. However, please be reassured that if there was a situation that we went back into Lockdown during term time we would offer Key Worker Club.