With the weather getting colder and the days getting shorter, it was lovely to see the school brightened up with yellow clothing and accessories last week.
At a time when many people are struggling with their mental health as a result of the pandemic and lockdown measures, it was an opportunity to talk about our mental health and to raise funds for and awareness of our school charity, Bedford Open Door, who provide counselling for 13-25 year olds in Bedfordshire.
The #HelloYellow campaign was launched by Young Minds, a national charity focussed on providing resources and support for young people, teachers and parents.
Miss Dawson (Biology Teacher and CAS Coordinator), said: “At BGS, we try to ensure that students understand where the funds we raise through events such as non-school uniform days is going. We used the opportunity last week to discuss the importance of good mental health and to raise awareness of two charities, which may be able to support our students should they need it.
“Several students commented that the yellow colour around school made them smile and feel more positive at a time when they are beginning to feel tired after an intense half term at school.”