Mrs Smart (Head of Science)
During this term, our Lower Sixth IB students have been working collaboratively to complete their Group 4 Science project. The Group 4 project is a requirement of the IB Diploma course Internal Assessment. It provides an opportunity for scientists to get together in interdisciplinary groups to analyse a common topic or problem.
This year, we have two groups and they are focusing on COVID-19. One group is comparing the action of different strengths of ethanol (alcohol) solution with different hand-gels on bacteria. Although bacteria is a different kind of microorganism to COVID-19, which is a virus, they often act in similar ways. The other group is looking at how scientists communicate with the public and the effectiveness of the different campaigns in helping people to understand the measures necessary to try and stop the virus from spreading.
This morning, the students presented their findings to an audience, where they shared their findings and answered questions about their projects. We will be sharing the findings with the BGS community very soon, watch this space!