Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
In the final two weeks of this half term, Year 6 have been busy working on their final ‘GRASPS’ (Goal, Role, Audience, Product, Performance & Purpose and Standards) task during their Inquiry lessons. The purpose of this task is to give the girls the opportunity to show their understanding of this terms Unit of Inquiry: ‘People use different forms of expression to convey societal issues and personal values through visual arts’.
Throughout the Unit of Inquiry, the girls have been investigating issues in today’s society – from the current pandemic to the Black Lives Matter movement. They discovered that an extremely powerful way of sharing personal opinions and views on these issues is through art. For example, famous graffiti artist Banksy often portrays political and social issues through his artworks.
For the final task, the girls were asked to produce their own original piece of artwork that reflects an issue in society that they feel passionately about. In addition to the final piece of art, the girls have had to show their planning process through note taking and sketches. They produced creative writing where they reflected on both their piece of art and the process they went through. I was really impressed not only by the creativity of their ideas but the level of deep thinking and self-refection the students showed throughout this project.